Time Management is a journey that begins today.

Learn the skills necessary to:
~ Know what to do, when to do it, and how to start it ~
~ Control your calendar so it doesn't control you ~
~ Manage your out-of-control inbox ~
~ Discover what's important to you ~
~ Act and stop reacting ~

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Off To A Great Start

My thanks to all the participants who attended my free Time Management seminar this past Saturday. The class was great and your participation was fantastic. As I read through your surveys and reflected on the conversations I've had with you since then I know you all got a great deal out of it and have eagerly started putting into practice what you learned.

Your feedback has been immensely helpful in fine tuning this product and making it better. Your insights and ideas on how to focus it for various audiences has me really psyched and eager to get the marketing machine rolling.

As for myself, I learned that the seminar is right on target! This is definitely a very timely topic (pun intended!). I've taken your comments to heart and will be presenting a part two seminar on March 19 - "Time After Time" where we will have a chance to explore even deeper.

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