Adding a quick, daily scan of the paper that came in during the day is a great way to keep the stack of paper manageable until your weekly review time. That daily review should be quick and "unfiltered" as you briefly scan items and place into "keep" and "toss" piles. (I bet your "toss" pile ends up the larger of the two!)
In Session 2 of my Time Management seminars we talk about the weekly review process. This article provides a great addition to that review session.
Some additional organizational thoughts for the weekly review process that I might add to this writer's process are:
- Add action items to the proper to-do list or calendar date; then toss that piece of paper.
- Informational items such as phone numbers, addresses and such, add to the proper storage media right then and there; then toss that piece of paper.
- Paper that you need to keep handy, such as bills and forms, can be stacked in an inbox to be addressed that week. Add an action item to your to-do list on the day you intend to do it. If there's anything you didn't address by the next review session, you can reschedule into the next week. Another option, if you have space and are so inclined, is to have file folders for each week day and place the items in their appropriate day. But if you don't truly have room for this, don't do it - it will just add clutter.
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